"Jubilee calls us to let our land lie fallow; to proclaim freedom; to practice forgiveness; to do justice; and, to celebrate!"
How do we proclaim freedom with our words, but more importantly, with our actions?
Jubilee calls us to proclaim freedom for our world. Jubilee calls us to collaborate with God, however, wherever, and whenever we can by our words, actions and efforts to overcome whatever it is that keeps anyone chained, bound, captive: racism, poverty, abuse, addiction, prejudice of any kind, unfair and inequitable laws and a biased justice system: "where a rich, white boy's prank is a poor black boy's felony" (SBMC).
Jubilee also calls us to work in the places where we ourselves are bound up within the depths of our hearts: fear; shame; anger; jealousy; lack of self-esteem.
During this year of Jubilee, how can I choose to act for the freedom of the other?
During this year of Jubilee, can I work to become more aware of my own "bondage" and heed the personal call to the "inner freedom and glory of a child of God" (Romans 8:21).