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O Emmanuel

Writer: Incarnate Word SistersIncarnate Word Sisters

O Emmanuel,

king and lawgiver,

desire of the nations,

Savior of all people,

come and set us free.

In a flash, at a trumpet crash,

I am all at once what Christ is,

since he was what I am.

Gerard Manley Hopkins (19th century)


Oh Emmanuel,

rey y legislador,

deseo de las naciones,

Salvador de todos los pueblos,

ven y libéranos.

En un destello, en el sonido de una trompeta,

Soy de repente lo que es Cristo,

ya que él era lo que soy.

Gerard Manley Hopkins (siglo XIX)



The Chapel of the Incarnate Word

4503 Broadway

San Antonio, Texas  78209

210-828-2224, ext. 294


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