This coming Sunday, February 2, is World Day of Consecrated Life. To celebrate the day, there will be midday prayer in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word at 3:00 pm. All religious women, and men, are invited to attend. The People of God are also invited to join us, to celebrate vocation, especially the vocation to consecrated religious life.
This year is a Jubilee Year, declared by Pope Francis to be a year to uphold and celebrate "hope"; he invites us to be Pilgrims of Hope.
A worldwide celebration for a Jubilee of Consecrated Life will be celebrated in Rome on October 8 and 9. Local churches are invited to celebrate a Jubilee of Consecrated Life, 2025, on the World Day of Consecrated Life - February 2.
Any Jubilee calls us to first, reflect on the spirituality of "Jubilee." Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing materials offered by our Sister Brigid Marie Clarke from two days of shared reflection on Jubilee, Pilgrimage, and Hope. In the meantime, join us this coming Sunday at 3:00 for midday prayer, in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word, as we celebrate the 2025 Jubilee of Consecrated Life.