Christmas Novena

Download a PDF of the worship aid, HERE
Gathering Song
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus - organ only
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus - childrens' choir

Greeting and Opening Prayer
Leader: Let us begin,
X in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Leader: Let us pray (pause): Open our mouths, O Lord, to bless your holy name. Cleanse our hearts from all vain, sinful or distracting thoughts. Enlighten our understanding. Inflame our affections, so that we may perform this service with due attention and be heard by your divine majesty. We ask this, through Christ our Lord. Amen!
Leader: In a spirit of humility, and with contrite hearts, let us approach the Lord of mercy:
(pause, giving time for reflecting ... )
Lord Jesus, you come to break the chains of sin and heal the wounds of our affliction,
Lord have mercy. All: Lord have mercy.
Leader: Christ Jesus, you come to affirm us and to teach us that we are loved,
Christ have mercy. All: Christ have mercy.
Leader: Lord Jesus, you come to be a cornerstone, ever binding opposites into unity within yourself, Lord have mercy. All: Lord have mercy.
Leader: To you we lift up our hearts; in you O God, we put our trust.
All: Stir up your power, Lord, and come to redeem us.
Leader: Come O Lord, and do not tarry.
All: Take away the iniquity of your people.
Leader: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight His pathway.
All: Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain shall be brought low.
Leader: The crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain.
All: And all people shall see the salvation of our God.
Leader: Stir up our hearts, O God, to prepare the ways for your only- begotten Son, that through his coming, we may serve you with pure hearts and minds. We ask this, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. All: Amen!
The Singing of the Prophecies
The Canticle
Leader: Let the heavens rejoice and may the earth exult /
praise the Lord, you mountains.
All: Let the mountains break forth into gladness /
and the hills with justice.
Leader: For our Lord shall come /
and to the poor He shall show mercy.
All: Of us, O lord, be mindful /
and visit us in your salvation.
Leader: Drop down dew, you heavens from above
and let the clouds rain the just one /
let the earth be opened and bud forth a savior.
All: Show us, O Lord, your mercy /
and grant us your salvation.
Leader: Come, O Lord, and in peace visit us /
that with a perfect heart we may rejoice before you.
All: That on earth, O Lord, we may know your ways /
and among all nations your salvation.
Leader: Put forth, O Lord, your strength and come /
that you may save us.
All: Come, O Lord and do not tarry /
do away with the offenses of your people.
Leader: Glory to the Father and to the Son /
and to the Holy Spirit.
All: As it was in the beginning /
is now, and will be for ever. Amen.
The Reading from Scripture
Click HERE for a PDF of all of the readings.
December 16: Isaiah 56: 6-7
December 17: Isaiah 2:3-4
December 18: Zephaniah 3:14-17
December 19: 1 Chronicles 17:9-14
December 20: Isaiah 11:1-5
December 21: Ezekiel 36:26-30
December 22: Micah 5:2-4
December 23: Isaiah 60:1-5
December 24: Luke 2: 8-20
The Responsory
Leader: Behold the Lord will come; let us prepare to meet him.
All: Behold the Lord will come; let us prepare to meet him.
Leader: He comes to save his people ...
All: let us prepare to meet him.
Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit ...
All: Behold the Lord will come; let us prepare to meet him.
The Singing of the "O" Antiphons
The Magnificat

Intercessory Prayers
(Offer your own prayers for the needs of the world.)
R./ Come, Lord Jesus!
(Conclude by offering all your intentions into The Lord's Prayer.)
Closing Prayer
Leader: Most loving God, in the stillness of Advent we contemplate the mystery of your coming in Christ. Renew us in the hope of Christ's coming, so we may not tire in the work you have called us to do. We ask this, through Jesus, the Incarnate Word, who lives with you and the Spirit for all eternity.
All: Amen!
Blessing and Dismissal
Leader: We believe that the Son of God once came to us;
we look to him to come again.
May his coming bring us light, holiness, and peace.
We ask this, through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen
Leader: May the Lord X bless us, protect us from all evil,
and bring us to everlasting life.
All: Amen.
Leader: Let us go in peace.
All: Thanks be to God.
Going Forth